Caregiver singing and background music were incorporated into the interaction between caregiver and patient, the aim being to illuminate the meaning of verbal communication between persons with severe dementia and their caregivers.
In the absence of music, patients communicated with cognitive and behavioral symptoms associated with dementia. In these situations, caregivers devoted their verbal communication to narrating and explaining their caring activities to the patient. The patient and caregiver, however, had difficulties understanding one another.
In the presence of background music, caregivers decreased their verbal instructing and narrating while the patient communicated with an increased understanding of the situation, both verbally and behaviorally.
During caregiver singing, a paradoxical effect was observed such that despite an evident reduction in the amount of verbal narration and description by the caregiver, the patient implicitly understood what was happening. Read the entire research
The acute hospital ward can be unfamiliar and stressful for older patients with impaired cognition, rendering them prone to agitation and resistive to care.
Extant literature shows that music therapy can enhance engagement and mood, thereby ameliorating agitated behaviours.
This pilot study evaluates the impact of a creative music therapy programme on mood and engagement in older patients with delirium and/or dementia in an acute care setting. Read the entire research.
This article reports the results of a study evaluating a preferred music listening intervention for reducing anxiety in older adults with dementia in nursing homes.
Ancova results indicated that older adults who received the preferred music listening had a significantly lower anxiety score at six weeks compared with those who received the usual standard care with no music.
Preferred music listening had a positive impact by reducing the level of anxiety in older adults with dementia. Read the entire research
Considering all the possible benefits, music interventions may provide an effective complementary approach for the relief of acute, procedural, and cancer/chronic pain in the medical setting.
The connection of musical sounds and the brain functions is a major challenge of modern neuroscience. It has long been proven that music has a psychological effect on human beings, including induction and modification of cognitive states, moods and emotion.
Brain activity, metabolismand blood flow are closely linked.Cognitive activation leads to metabolic changes in specific cortical centres. Consequently, any change in cognitive cortical activity reflects in blood flow velocity. This is especially important in patients recovering from stroke.
One of the possible attributing factors to the improvement of stroke rehabilitation could be incorporation of music listening in the therapy. Furthermore the studies show that music stimulation increases blood flow in patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke enhancing the post-stroke recovery and can therefore be a helpful tool in neurorehabilitation. Read the entire research
The connection of musical sounds and the brain functions is a major challenge of modern neuroscience. It has long been proven that music has a psychological effect on human beings, including induction and modification of cognitive states, moods and emotion.
Brain activity, metabolismand blood flow are closely linked.Cognitive activation leads to metabolic changes in specific cortical centres. Consequently, any change in cognitive cortical activity reflects in blood flow velocity. This is especially important in patients recovering from stroke.
One of the possible attributing factors to the improvement of stroke rehabilitation could be incorporation of music listening in the therapy. Furthermore the studies show that music stimulation increases blood flow in patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke enhancing the post-stroke recovery and can therefore be a helpful tool in neurorehabilitation. Read the entire research
Scientists have proved that listening to music before, during and after surgery reduces people’s pain, anxiety and need for painkillers – according to the most comprehensive review of available evidence so far. Read the entire research
Music listening in daily life improved perceived control over pain in female FMS patients.
Clinicians using music therapy should become aware of the potential adjuvant role of music listening in daily life, which has the potential to improve symptom control in chronic pain patients. Read the entire research
Our interpretation of music, both in lyrics and in sound can greatly assist in teaching us to communicate.
For children with autism, this could mean learning a new word from a song, or better understanding how to act in a social situation based on the messages that a song is expressing.
We know that autism can create barriers for children in social settings, but small groups of children listening to music together may feel confident and comfortable enough to comment or sing along with others.
Dancing exercises can also help to stimulate our sensory systems, and allow us to enhance fine motor skills Read the entire research
In order to organize the articles, we have divided this collection into four sub-themes:
Gait and Lower Limb Movement Therapy – Motor Control Research – Music Therapy – Dance Therapy Read the entire research
The use of music therapy in the integrative treatment of cancer patients is a therapeutic option whose salutogenetic potential is shown in many case studies such as those presented here.
Study results, however, did not draw a conclusive picture of the overall effect of music therapy.
In addition to further clinical trials, the evidence mosaic should be complemented with qualitative studies, single case descriptions, and basic research. Read the entire research
Music therapy is an effective form of supporting cancer care for patients during the treatment process.
It may be also basic for planning effective programs of rehabilitation to promote wellness, improve physical and emotional well-being and the quality of life. Read the entire research
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